
The information provided in this document and related materials is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial, legal, or investment advice. The Oxix project, its associated products, and the $OXIX token are subject to various risks and uncertainties, and participation in the project carries inherent financial and operational risks.

Investors and participants should conduct their own thorough research, including but not limited to technical, financial, and legal due diligence, before engaging with the Oxix project. Be aware that the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry is dynamic and speculative, and past performance is not indicative of future results.

Oxix and its team strive to maintain the highest standards of transparency and security; however, the cryptocurrency space is susceptible to unforeseen events and vulnerabilities, and losses can occur.

Participation in the Oxix project should only be undertaken by individuals who fully understand the associated risks and are willing and able to accept them. Oxix is not responsible for any financial or operational losses resulting from participation in the project.

By engaging with the Oxix project and its related activities, you acknowledge and accept the risks and uncertainties associated with cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. It is advisable to seek advice from qualified financial and legal professionals before making any investment decisions.

Last updated